Monthly Archives: July 2018


Moving Average (MA)

In technical analysis, a moving average (MA) is an indicator used to monitor price action while filtering out “noise” from random price fluctuations. Since it is based on past prices, moving average is termed a lagging or trend-following indicator. There are two main ways to calculates moving average: simple and exponential. In a simple moving average […]
Posted in Finance Glossary

Understanding Triangle Patterns

In technical analysis, triangle patterns are formed by trend lines that meet at an apex, or corner, as price ranges converge. The top of the triangle is a trend line connecting highs in price, while the bottom of the triangle connects the lows. The apex is formed by where the upper and lower trend lines […]
Posted in Finance Glossary

Poison Pill

A poison pill, also known as a shareholder rights plan, is a strategy a company might use to prevent a hostile takeover. Poison pills are designed to make a company’s stock less attractive to a would-be buyer, often by making it more expensive. One common example of a poison pill using stock is a “flip-in” in which current […]
Posted in Finance Glossary

Support and Resistance

Support, or support level, refers to a price below which a particular stock is not likely to fall according to historical data. Buyers tend to enter a stock near the support level since the stock is not likely to get cheaper. Support can be thought of as a floor below which the stock will not […]
Posted in Finance Glossary
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