

SPECIAL: Lessons learned in direct lending

Reuters’ Lawrence Delevingne has a long, thoughtful piece about the new extremes of the direct lending market.  The business of lending to middle market companies which are too small to issue syndicated loans or high yield bonds has exploded since 2010, with numerous new entrants.  Some of them are too leveraged, and others are offering […]

When I was added to the ‘world’s largest Rolodex’

Rereading this obituary of David Rockefeller at 101…I had the privilege of meeting him in 1981 as I was graduating from college, an inspiring leader… Long before the days of computers, he and his staff maintained the world’s largest Rolodex, index cards with notes on every person he had met as an adult… I have […]

‘Reverse reasoning’ can cloud our judgement

Excellent essay by Jeffrey Kluger at Time Magazine on Reverse Reasoning… One event following another does not mean causation… Relevant to both investing and politics…

Wall Street Courts Millennials

The Millennial Generation, currently in their twenties and thirties, are approaching their peak earning years. According to Deloitte, the global net worth of Millennials could reach $24 trillion by 2020. For this reason, investment firms are starting to take Millennials seriously, and coming up with ways to appeal to this digital-savvy generation.
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