Monthly Archives: June 2018


Rainbow Option

A rainbow option is an options contract based on the performance of more than one underlying asset. An investor can use a rainbow option to speculate on what asset will perform best or worst in a group, or how well the underlying assets perform as a whole. Each underlying asset can be considered a “color,” making […]
Posted in Finance Glossary

Discount Window

The discount window refers to the Federal Reserve practice of making short-term loans to banks. These loans are usually overnight and collateralized. When a bank experiences a short-term liquidity shortfall, it may turn to the Fed for a quick infusion of cash. Generally, banks prefer to borrow from other banks at the much lower federal funds […]
Posted in Finance Glossary


In investing, a watchlist is a list of securities an investor or trader makes in order to monitor potential opportunities. A watchlist may consist of just a few stocks or hundreds of trading instruments. No matter the size, the watchlist is designed to give the investor or trader relevant information for making important decisions and keeping […]
Posted in Finance Glossary

Quantitative Easing

Quantitative easing, also known as large-scale asset purchases is an economic policy in which a central bank buys a predetermined amount of government securities and other financial assets from the market with the goal of lowering interest rates and increasing the money supply. The driving idea behind the policy is to flood private banks with money, which […]
Posted in Finance Glossary


Zombies are companies that make enough money to continue operation and pay interest on debt, but are unable to pay off their debt. While these companies stay afloat paying overhead costs, they do not have enough many left over for investment in new growth. These companies are often very dependent on banks and may be […]
Posted in Finance Glossary
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