Monthly Archives: September 2017


Breaking Down CDs

    A certificate of deposit (CD) is a low-risk investment consisting of a saving certificate issued by a commercial bank or other financial institution. A CD has a fixed maturity date as well as a fixed interest date. Generally speaking, the longer the CD has to mature (known as the “term”), the higher the interest […]

Wearing the Small Cap

  In the stock market, small cap is short for small market capitalization. A particular company’s market capitalization refers to the current market value of its outstanding shares. Small cap is an approximation that can vary with time and from brokerage to brokerage, but generally speaking, a small-cap stock today has a market capitalization value […]

Getting your Assets in the Right Place

In investment strategy, asset allocation refers to choosing how much of your portfolio to dedicate to different asset classes. Asset allocation must be customized for the individual investor, and will depend on one’s goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. The way assets are distributed is considered one of the key aspects to successful investing and […]

The Strategy of Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)

  Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is a common investment strategy designed for secure, conservative investing over time. Here’s how it works: In DCA, an investor buys a fixed dollar amount of shares in a company over a particular period of time regardless of the share price.  This means that more shares are purchased when the price […]
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