Monthly Archives: April 2017


US Auto Sales Projected to Fall in 2017

Early reports based on the first 13 days of the month indicate that the US auto industry did not have a good April. According to industry consultants JD Power and LMC Automotive, US auto sales in April of 2017 are projected to fall 2 percent compared to April of 2016. The same reports predicted that […]

The Decline of Big Box Retail

An epidemic of closures has plagued the retail industry in the first quarter of 2017, a trend that will likely continue through the rest of the year. Credit Suisse recently released a report indicating that more than 8,600 brick-and-mortar stores will likely shut down before the year’s end, over four times the number closed in […]

Chinese Economy Continues to Accelerate for Second Straight Quarter

According to a recent Bloomberg report, the first quarter of 2017 marked a continued acceleration of the Chinese economy. Combined with acceleration in the last quarter of 2016, this marks the first back-to-back acceleration in the Chinese economy in seven years. This news come amidst reports of subdued consumer spending in the United States. Projections […]
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